Important informations

Warning: Beware of fraud calls / Warnung vor falschen Telefonanrufen!

Currently, criminals are once again threatening people from abroad living in Germany. The callers force the recipients of the call to pay a certain fine. By a technical procedure, called Call-ID-spoofing, the people receiving such calls see telephone numbers of the Federal Office for Migration and refugees (BAMF) on their telephone displays. Please be assured …

Warning: Beware of fraud calls / Warnung vor falschen Telefonanrufen! Weiterlesen »

„Welcome to North Rhine-Westphalia!“ – App for refugees

A helpful app in Arabic, English and French for refugees in NRW can be downloaded here: —- Das Land Nordrhein-Westfalen will schutzsuchenden Flüchtlingen helfen, sich nach der Ankunft in Nordrhein-Westfalen schnell und unkompliziert zurechtzufinden. Dazu hat die Landesregierung die App „Welcome to North Rhine-Westphalia!“ veröffentlicht. Das neue Online-Angebot kann ab sofort kostenlos für Android …

„Welcome to North Rhine-Westphalia!“ – App for refugees Weiterlesen »

The most important basic rights and duties in Germany

The most important basic rights and duties in Germany – written and explained in simple language – Foundation for tolerance, peaceful community relations and security. Available in the following languages: Arabic Dari (Farsi) French German Kurdish Tigrinya Turkish Wir danken der Bürgerstiftung Aachen, die diese tollen Materialien erstellt und zur Verfügung gestellt hat und veröffentlichen …

The most important basic rights and duties in Germany Weiterlesen »